Bastion Bullmastiffs, Bob and Lynn Spohr
by clicking on the individual name, you will travel to the page dedicated to that bullmastiffs information. The below list is in alphabetical order and titles are not included. The names change color when you hover if the link is live.
Bastion's Ashlk Runfortheroses
Bastion's Banshee Riverdance
Bastion's Bluegrass Melody
Bastion's Canadian Myst
Bastion's Celebration Time
Bastion-CC Brindled Valentine
Bastion's Dark Shadow Tomboy
Bastion's Fool for Your Love
Bastion's Hellcat from HyTop's
Bastion's It's All About Me
Bastion's Ivystone Miss Scarlett
Bastion's Ivystone Olympia
Bastion's Keeper of the Flame at Ivystone
Bastion's Lady Luck CD
Bastion's Louisville Slugger
Bastion's Mint Julip
Bastion N Canus He is the One
Bastion's Odds on Favorite
Bastion's Pop the Cork
Bastion's Ruff Rider O'Waters
Bastion's Sound of Music
Bastion' s Music in the Glen
other dogs owned, co-owned or bred by Bob and/or Lynn Spohr
Ivystone Bastn Mme Butterfly
Leatherneck Livin on Tulsa Time
Shatrugo's Honky Tonk Angel
T-Boldt Bastion Mustang Sally
Solo-K's All Fired Up at TBoldt