CH TNT’s Olympian
CH TNT’s Olympian Of Silverback
F, Fawn, DOB 6/29/2014, Reg # WS478513/07, SB 5/2017
OFA # BMF-4695G36F-VPI; BMF-EL2425F36-VPI; BMF-CA1197/53F/P-VPI
Owner: Robert Stephanos & Cassandra Carpenter
Breeder: Amy Jo Hodge
Sire: Silverback’s Theosaurus Rex Whelped: 8/20/2016 Litter # WS561804
GCHB CH Silverback’s The Mountain (01) M Fawn (SIlvey)
Silverback’s Wilson (02) M Fawn
GCHG CH Silverback’s Wind Of Fate (03) M Fawn (Gordon & Carpenter)
Sire: CH Silverbacks Kingsguard Whelped: 3/17/2017 Litter # WS567649
Silverback’s Watson De Jongh (01) M Red Fawn
Silverback’s Pele Goddess (02) F Fawn (Hamilton & Stephanos)
Silverbacks I Love Lucy (05) F Red
Sire: CH Silverbacks Kingsguard Whelped: 10/29/2017 Litter # WS588863
CH Silverback’s Crimson Tide Butch Walker (01) M Red Fawn (Kleinicke)
CH Silverback’s Alice In Wonderland (02) F Fawn (Wern & Stephanos)
Silverback’s Penny By Kewen (03) F Red Fawn
Sire: CH Silverbacks Kingsguard Whelped: 5/1/2021 Litter # WS734867
CH Silverbacks Voodoo Child (01) F Red Fawn (Stephanos)
GCH CH Silverbacks Million Dollar Baby (02) F Red Fawn (Boyles & Prelipp)
OFA # BMF-EL3110F25-C-VPI; BMF-ACA450/23F-VPI;
Silverbacks Red River (03) M Red
Silverbacks Chevrolet (04) M Red
Sire: CH Silverbacks Kingsguard Whelped: 11/25/2021 Litter # WS765480
CH Silverbacks Top Gun (01) M Red Fawn (Stephanos & Hansen)
CH Silverbacks Long Way From Home Nix (02) F Red Fawn (Blanchard & Stephanos)
8 Conformation Champions
8/21/2023 – LAB
Copper October 2020; Bronze July 2023
F, Fawn, DOB 6/29/2014, Reg # WS478513/07, SB 5/2017
OFA # BMF-4695G36F-VPI; BMF-EL2425F36-VPI; BMF-CA1197/53F/P-VPI
Owner: Robert Stephanos & Cassandra Carpenter
Breeder: Amy Jo Hodge
Sire: Silverback’s Theosaurus Rex Whelped: 8/20/2016 Litter # WS561804
GCHB CH Silverback’s The Mountain (01) M Fawn (SIlvey)
Silverback’s Wilson (02) M Fawn
GCHG CH Silverback’s Wind Of Fate (03) M Fawn (Gordon & Carpenter)
Sire: CH Silverbacks Kingsguard Whelped: 3/17/2017 Litter # WS567649
Silverback’s Watson De Jongh (01) M Red Fawn
Silverback’s Pele Goddess (02) F Fawn (Hamilton & Stephanos)
Silverbacks I Love Lucy (05) F Red
Sire: CH Silverbacks Kingsguard Whelped: 10/29/2017 Litter # WS588863
CH Silverback’s Crimson Tide Butch Walker (01) M Red Fawn (Kleinicke)
CH Silverback’s Alice In Wonderland (02) F Fawn (Wern & Stephanos)
Silverback’s Penny By Kewen (03) F Red Fawn
Sire: CH Silverbacks Kingsguard Whelped: 5/1/2021 Litter # WS734867
CH Silverbacks Voodoo Child (01) F Red Fawn (Stephanos)
GCH CH Silverbacks Million Dollar Baby (02) F Red Fawn (Boyles & Prelipp)
OFA # BMF-EL3110F25-C-VPI; BMF-ACA450/23F-VPI;
Silverbacks Red River (03) M Red
Silverbacks Chevrolet (04) M Red
Sire: CH Silverbacks Kingsguard Whelped: 11/25/2021 Litter # WS765480
CH Silverbacks Top Gun (01) M Red Fawn (Stephanos & Hansen)
CH Silverbacks Long Way From Home Nix (02) F Red Fawn (Blanchard & Stephanos)
8 Conformation Champions
8/21/2023 – LAB
Copper October 2020; Bronze July 2023
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Chairman & webmistress: Lynn Spohr. data management: Lori Baker. awards: Tracy Jones
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