CH T-Boldt’s Little Latin Lupe Lu
F, Fawn, DOB 2/4/2008, Reg # WS249733/01, SB 10/2012, CERF BMF-564
Owner/Breeder: Sherry Boldt
F, Fawn, DOB 2/4/2008, Reg # WS249733/01, SB 10/2012, CERF BMF-564
Owner/Breeder: Sherry Boldt
Sire: Am/Can CH Bastion’s Louisville Slugger RN
GCH CH T-Boldt’s Wizard On The In-Field At Logansrun CGC (01 GCH CH T-Boldt’s Designated Hitter At Bastion (02) T-Boldt’s Slug One Out Of The Park To Knight’s (03) T-Boldt’s Sandlot Scott Smalls (04) T-Boldt’s A Perfect Catch (05) T-Boldt’s Who Is John Galt? CGC (06) CH T-Boldt’s Stealing Bases Stealing Hearts CGC (07) T-Boldt N Solo-K’s Caught You Looking CGC (08) T-Boldt’s A Winner Never Quits (09) CH T-Boldt’s A League Of Her Own (10) 4 Conformation Champions 6/26/2017 - LAB |
Whelped: 7/6/2012 Litter # WS412853
M Fawn (Logan & Boldt) OFA # BMF-CA862/20M/C-VPI; BMF-ACA20/51M-VPI; BMF-EYE67/20M-VPI M Fawn (Spohr & Boldt) OFA # BMF-CA849/20M/P-VPI M Fawn (Atkins) M Fawn M Fawn M Fawn (Scott) F Fawn (Wootten) F Fawn (Cook & Boldt) F Fawn F Fawn (Boldt) OFA # BMF-CA912/41F/C-VPI-ECHO; BMF-DNA-158/B |
Chairman & webmistress: Lynn Spohr. data management: Lori Baker. awards: Tracy Jones
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