CH t-bolt's temporary
CH T-Boldt’s Temporary Restraining Order
M, Red, DOB 1/7/2016, Reg # WS523629/08, SB 2/2019
OFA # BMF-ACA142/36M-VPI; BMF-EYE201/4M-PI; DNA #V843082
Owner: Sherry Boldt; Breeder: Sherry Boldt & Kimberlee Cook & Lynn Spohr
Dam: Ridgetop’ N Marconian The Perfect Storm Whelped: 8/27/2018 Litter # WS625237
CH MarconianNRidgetops Charli’s Angel (01) F Red Fawn (Taylor & Contant)
OFA # BMF-EL2797F25-VPI; BMF-TH630/25F-VPI
MarconianNRidgetops Lilikoi Dessert (02) F Red Fawn
GCH CH MarconianNRidgetops Calm After The Storm (03) M Red Fawn (Douvlis)
OFA # BMF-5028G24M-VPI
Dam: GCHB CH Solo-K’s Hell’On Heels CDX RE MXP2 MJP2 SWA SCE RATN CGC TKI Whelped: 4/7/2019 Litter # WS644797
CH Solo-K’s Hot On Her High Heels RN RA TKI (01) F Fawn (Cook)
GCH CH T-Boldt’s In Hot Pursuit With Solo-K (02) M Red (Boldt)
OFA # BMF-5141G28M-VPI; BMF-EL2918M28-VPI; BMF-ACA242/22M-VPI;
GCHS CH Solo-K N Escalades Hot Off The Daily Prophet (03) M Red (Henson & Palecek)
Solo-K’s Crimson Fire (04) M Red
Solo-K’s Bring The Heat (05) M Red
Solo-K’s Fire And Rain (06) M Red
Dam: Nyx & Trugrit Ranger’s Lt Shiloh Whelped: 5/11/2019 Litter # WS649262
CH Ranger’s Para-Trooper (02) M Red (Wisdom)
Ranger’s Major Oakley Grace (04) F Red
OFA # BMF-5158G29F-VPI; BMF-EL2937F29-VPI
Ranger’s Lt Bodie (05) M Red
Dam: GCH CH Pandora’s Lucky Charm Whelped: 9/29/2020 Litter # WS700993
GCH CH Pandora And Why Is The Carpet All Wet Todd? (01)
F Red Brindle (Wetzel)
CH Pandora And T-Boldt’s Pimpin Ain’t Easy At Pride (02) M Fawn (McGowan)
Pandora’s Midnight Snaxx (03) M Red Brindle
Pandora’s Xena Warrior Princess (04) F Red Brindle
Pandora’s Mojo Banjojo (05) M Red
Pandora’s Did We Just Become Best Friends?! (06) M Fawn Brindle (Studley)
Pandora’s Brewing With Barley (07) M Red Brindle
Pandora’s Logan (08) M Red Brindle
Pandora’s Insta Karma (09) F Red
Dam: CH Tboldts Maid Of Mist Bramstoke Whelped: 11/5/2020 Litter # WS705085
CH T-Boldt’s Music To My Eyes (01) M Red (Boldt)
CH T-Boldt’s My Eyes Adore You (02) M Red (Bressler & O’Brien)
T-Boldt’s Shoot The Bullseye (03) M Fawn
T-Boldt’s Sparkle In Her Eyes (04) F Red
CH T-Boldt’s Temptation Eyes (05) F Red (Boldt)
T-Boldt’s Eye Of The Tiger (06) F Fawn
T-Boldt’s The Eyes Have It (07) F Fawn
Dam: Melkev’s A Storms Blowin’ In Whelped: 3/17/2021 Litter # WS718585
Melkev’s Leprechauns Made Me Do It (01) M Red (Agee)
T-Boldt’s Luck Of The Irish From Melkev (02) M Red Brindle
Melkev’s Mr. McCool Finn (03) M Red
Melkev’s Away With The Fairies (05) F Red
Melkev’s Wired To The Mooon (06) F Red Fawn Brindle
12 points – 11 CH + 1 working
12/7/2022 – LAB
Copper May 2021, Bronze August 2022
Below are thumbprints of the get of this register of merit dog.
Please click on thumbnail and the picture and name will enlarge
the dog below is mine and is being used as a placeholder
M, Red, DOB 1/7/2016, Reg # WS523629/08, SB 2/2019
OFA # BMF-ACA142/36M-VPI; BMF-EYE201/4M-PI; DNA #V843082
Owner: Sherry Boldt; Breeder: Sherry Boldt & Kimberlee Cook & Lynn Spohr
Dam: Ridgetop’ N Marconian The Perfect Storm Whelped: 8/27/2018 Litter # WS625237
CH MarconianNRidgetops Charli’s Angel (01) F Red Fawn (Taylor & Contant)
OFA # BMF-EL2797F25-VPI; BMF-TH630/25F-VPI
MarconianNRidgetops Lilikoi Dessert (02) F Red Fawn
GCH CH MarconianNRidgetops Calm After The Storm (03) M Red Fawn (Douvlis)
OFA # BMF-5028G24M-VPI
Dam: GCHB CH Solo-K’s Hell’On Heels CDX RE MXP2 MJP2 SWA SCE RATN CGC TKI Whelped: 4/7/2019 Litter # WS644797
CH Solo-K’s Hot On Her High Heels RN RA TKI (01) F Fawn (Cook)
GCH CH T-Boldt’s In Hot Pursuit With Solo-K (02) M Red (Boldt)
OFA # BMF-5141G28M-VPI; BMF-EL2918M28-VPI; BMF-ACA242/22M-VPI;
GCHS CH Solo-K N Escalades Hot Off The Daily Prophet (03) M Red (Henson & Palecek)
Solo-K’s Crimson Fire (04) M Red
Solo-K’s Bring The Heat (05) M Red
Solo-K’s Fire And Rain (06) M Red
Dam: Nyx & Trugrit Ranger’s Lt Shiloh Whelped: 5/11/2019 Litter # WS649262
CH Ranger’s Para-Trooper (02) M Red (Wisdom)
Ranger’s Major Oakley Grace (04) F Red
OFA # BMF-5158G29F-VPI; BMF-EL2937F29-VPI
Ranger’s Lt Bodie (05) M Red
Dam: GCH CH Pandora’s Lucky Charm Whelped: 9/29/2020 Litter # WS700993
GCH CH Pandora And Why Is The Carpet All Wet Todd? (01)
F Red Brindle (Wetzel)
CH Pandora And T-Boldt’s Pimpin Ain’t Easy At Pride (02) M Fawn (McGowan)
Pandora’s Midnight Snaxx (03) M Red Brindle
Pandora’s Xena Warrior Princess (04) F Red Brindle
Pandora’s Mojo Banjojo (05) M Red
Pandora’s Did We Just Become Best Friends?! (06) M Fawn Brindle (Studley)
Pandora’s Brewing With Barley (07) M Red Brindle
Pandora’s Logan (08) M Red Brindle
Pandora’s Insta Karma (09) F Red
Dam: CH Tboldts Maid Of Mist Bramstoke Whelped: 11/5/2020 Litter # WS705085
CH T-Boldt’s Music To My Eyes (01) M Red (Boldt)
CH T-Boldt’s My Eyes Adore You (02) M Red (Bressler & O’Brien)
T-Boldt’s Shoot The Bullseye (03) M Fawn
T-Boldt’s Sparkle In Her Eyes (04) F Red
CH T-Boldt’s Temptation Eyes (05) F Red (Boldt)
T-Boldt’s Eye Of The Tiger (06) F Fawn
T-Boldt’s The Eyes Have It (07) F Fawn
Dam: Melkev’s A Storms Blowin’ In Whelped: 3/17/2021 Litter # WS718585
Melkev’s Leprechauns Made Me Do It (01) M Red (Agee)
T-Boldt’s Luck Of The Irish From Melkev (02) M Red Brindle
Melkev’s Mr. McCool Finn (03) M Red
Melkev’s Away With The Fairies (05) F Red
Melkev’s Wired To The Mooon (06) F Red Fawn Brindle
12 points – 11 CH + 1 working
12/7/2022 – LAB
Copper May 2021, Bronze August 2022
Below are thumbprints of the get of this register of merit dog.
Please click on thumbnail and the picture and name will enlarge
the dog below is mine and is being used as a placeholder
Chairman & webmistress: Lynn Spohr. data management: Lori Baker. awards: Tracy Jones
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