Ch. Saraca’s Syncopateo Motion BROM
CH Saraca’s Syncopateo Motion
F, Red Fawn, DOB 5/19/1977, Reg # WD801511, SB 4/1979
Owner/Breeder: Sally Connellee
F, Red Fawn, DOB 5/19/1977, Reg # WD801511, SB 4/1979
Owner/Breeder: Sally Connellee
Sire: CH Favo D’Mels TC Red Ryder Whelped: 10/24/1978
Saraca’s Sooner Of Fairview CD (WE167536) F Fawn (Anderson)
CH Saraca’s Shane Of Fairview (WE180175) M Red Fawn (Robins)
CH Saraca’s Buffi Of Fairview (WE180176) F Fawn (Robins)
CH Saraca’s Macho Man (WE306310) M Red (Connellee & Powers)
CH Saraca’s Meghann Kevina (WE364641) F Fawn (Selby)
Sire: CH Jubilee Governor Whelped: 4/26/1980
CH Saraca’s Dynasty In Motion (WE695129) F Fawn (Johnson)
CH Saraca’s Call Me Motion (WE711707) F Fawn (Babins)
Sire: CH Fairview Gadzooks Of Jubilee Whelped: 12/16/1981
CH Saraca’s Bombastic Buckley (WF094253) M Fawn (Martinez)
Saraca’s Bonnie Zonker (WF115450) F Brindle (Allen)
Saraca’s Ma Barker (WF136186) F Brindle (Snowden)
Sire: CH D’Aosta Edward GR Whelped: 12/19/1982
CH Saraca’s Motion To D’Aosta (WF453222) F Fawn (Williams)
9 points – 8 CH + 1 working
8/15/2018 - LAB
Saraca’s Sooner Of Fairview CD (WE167536) F Fawn (Anderson)
CH Saraca’s Shane Of Fairview (WE180175) M Red Fawn (Robins)
CH Saraca’s Buffi Of Fairview (WE180176) F Fawn (Robins)
CH Saraca’s Macho Man (WE306310) M Red (Connellee & Powers)
CH Saraca’s Meghann Kevina (WE364641) F Fawn (Selby)
Sire: CH Jubilee Governor Whelped: 4/26/1980
CH Saraca’s Dynasty In Motion (WE695129) F Fawn (Johnson)
CH Saraca’s Call Me Motion (WE711707) F Fawn (Babins)
Sire: CH Fairview Gadzooks Of Jubilee Whelped: 12/16/1981
CH Saraca’s Bombastic Buckley (WF094253) M Fawn (Martinez)
Saraca’s Bonnie Zonker (WF115450) F Brindle (Allen)
Saraca’s Ma Barker (WF136186) F Brindle (Snowden)
Sire: CH D’Aosta Edward GR Whelped: 12/19/1982
CH Saraca’s Motion To D’Aosta (WF453222) F Fawn (Williams)
9 points – 8 CH + 1 working
8/15/2018 - LAB
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