progeny for CH Leatherneck Eveready CROM
Sire: CH Titan’s Minister Of Defense Whelped: 4/1/2000 Litter # WP972972
CH Leathernecks Red Hot (01) F Red (Fuller & Robinson)
CH Leatherneck’s Wild Oats (03) M Red (Arnold)
OFA # BMF-2822F33M-PI; BMF-EL846M33-PI
CH Leatherneck Red Storm Rising (04) M Red (Fisher)
OFA # BMF-2749G24M-PI; BMF-CA148/43M/C-PI; DNA #V289875
Leatherneck Jericho (05) M Fawn
CH Leatherneck Anthracite’s Zoe (07) F Fawn (Kistler)
Leatherneck Lhotse (08) F Red
Sire: CH Shugars Augie of Watrs Edge Whelped: 7/30/2001 Litter # WR038494
Leatherneck Bebe King Nobull (03) F Fawn (Lozada & Moss-Lozada)
Leatherneck Tia Of Watersedge (04) F Fawn
Leatherneck’s Believe It (05) F Fawn
Leatherneck Lucy Girl (06) F Fawn
Leatherneck Brutus Buckeye (08) M Fawn
Sire: CH Newcastle Love Struck Romeo Whelped: 11/7/2002 Litter # WS022281
Leatherneck Coyote Ugly (02) F Fawn
GCH Leathernecks Stealin’ Hearts (03) M Fawn (Hannigan & Angerami)
OFA # BMF-3321F38M-PI; BMF-TH99/18M-PI; DNA #V387998
Leatherneck’s California Or Bust (04) M Fawn
CH Leatherneck Energizer (05) M Fawn (Cain & Nguyen)
6 Conformation Champions
6/4/2011 - LAB
Sire: CH Titan’s Minister Of Defense Whelped: 4/1/2000 Litter # WP972972
CH Leathernecks Red Hot (01) F Red (Fuller & Robinson)
CH Leatherneck’s Wild Oats (03) M Red (Arnold)
OFA # BMF-2822F33M-PI; BMF-EL846M33-PI
CH Leatherneck Red Storm Rising (04) M Red (Fisher)
OFA # BMF-2749G24M-PI; BMF-CA148/43M/C-PI; DNA #V289875
Leatherneck Jericho (05) M Fawn
CH Leatherneck Anthracite’s Zoe (07) F Fawn (Kistler)
Leatherneck Lhotse (08) F Red
Sire: CH Shugars Augie of Watrs Edge Whelped: 7/30/2001 Litter # WR038494
Leatherneck Bebe King Nobull (03) F Fawn (Lozada & Moss-Lozada)
Leatherneck Tia Of Watersedge (04) F Fawn
Leatherneck’s Believe It (05) F Fawn
Leatherneck Lucy Girl (06) F Fawn
Leatherneck Brutus Buckeye (08) M Fawn
Sire: CH Newcastle Love Struck Romeo Whelped: 11/7/2002 Litter # WS022281
Leatherneck Coyote Ugly (02) F Fawn
GCH Leathernecks Stealin’ Hearts (03) M Fawn (Hannigan & Angerami)
OFA # BMF-3321F38M-PI; BMF-TH99/18M-PI; DNA #V387998
Leatherneck’s California Or Bust (04) M Fawn
CH Leatherneck Energizer (05) M Fawn (Cain & Nguyen)
6 Conformation Champions
6/4/2011 - LAB
Chairman & webmistress: Lynn Spohr. data management: Lori Baker. awards: Tracy Jones
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