Christa was owned by Nellie Norris. All her champions came from breeding to one sire; Ch. Cascade Hrothgar of Mead HAll. I have found four champions of record, all appearing to be ashade of fawn. Her blood lines go back into Pocantico Stock. She was born on January 21 1969 and died in 1975. She was a top producer in 1974
By ROM Committee
By ROM Committee
Breeder: Ann Lewis
Owner;J. Wistozkey Nellie Norris
Born: 10-21-1969. Died: 1975. 6 YEARS OF AGE
SB:1-73 AKC# WB283852
Sex: Female Color: Fawn Height: Weight:
Owner;J. Wistozkey Nellie Norris
Born: 10-21-1969. Died: 1975. 6 YEARS OF AGE
SB:1-73 AKC# WB283852
Sex: Female Color: Fawn Height: Weight:
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