(This is a single arena)we divided the titles by how many arena's a dog is titles in.
Please remember there is a search option at the bottom of every page
Single Discipline, This means that the dog has focused on one arena.
for example: one working title
Two area's of titles
confirmation and a working arena
two different working titles, Example : tracking and agility
three area's of titles
confirmation and two working arena's or three arena's of working titles
Please remember there is a search option at the bottom of every page
Single Discipline, This means that the dog has focused on one arena.
for example: one working title
Two area's of titles
confirmation and a working arena
two different working titles, Example : tracking and agility
three area's of titles
confirmation and two working arena's or three arena's of working titles
space holder for write up
space holder for get
space holder for get
Chairman & webmistress: Lynn Spohr. data management: Lori Baker. awards: Tracy Jones
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
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