Call Name: Roxy WE567541 SB:9/1982
b. Dec 18 1979, died 1990 Brindle, female
15 points, Silver level
“Roxy” was bred by the late Marti Robins, she lived with and was co-owned and cam- paigned by Vic Zeoli. She distinguished herself by producing ten Champions out of her first litter of 12 (which was free whelped) and has been for the last 7 years the Top Producer in American Bullmastiff history. Roxy also had the honor of being the top AKC all breed Top Producer one year. She was a good sized, sound moving bitch with a no-nonsense Bullmastiff temperament and conformationally was a “middle of the roader” not too bully, not too Mastiffy. Her get in- cluded three Group placers. Female puppies were large with excellent movement, a little long in back and slightly long in muzzle. Like her, her daughters were noted for producing top quality “get” when bred to “bully” males. She died of natural causes at the age of eleven, two months after Marti passed away.
By Vic Zeoli of Kismet Bullmastiffs
Sire: CH Saraca’s Shane Of Fairview
CH Fairview Jojo Bedu Of Kismet (WF143303) Fairview’s Santana Of Kismet CD (WF147145) CH Fairview’s Little Miss Marker (WF147146) CH Polar Teak Of Kismet (WF149566) CH Fairview’s Garth Of Kismet (WF153969) CH Fairview’s Kismet Buccaneer (WF161630) CH Fairview’s Red Bingo Boy Sr (WF163460) CH Fairview’s Kismet Lady Aston (WF166055) CH Fairview’s Kismet Bruin (WF167443) CH Woodstock’s Noblesse Oblige (WF234621) Sire: CH Saraca’s Shane Of Fairview CH Fairview’s Toby Red Man RS (WF400254) Kismet Jungle Jim Of Fairview (WF402774) CH Fairview’s RS Jacob Of Kismet (WF417174) Sire: Fairview’s Santana Of Kismet CH Fairview’s Roxy Of Danchelsea Sire: CH Fairview’s Toby Red Man RS Fairviews Piece Of The Rock (WF679957) Fairview’s I Am The Rock TR (WF690554) CH Fairview’s Rockin Robin (WF704129) CH Fairview’s Shiloh Khan (WF757586) Fairview’s Onyx Of Jubilee (WF946594) 14 Conformation Champions, 1 CD 8/4/2010 - LAB |
Whelped: 3/7/1982
M Fawn (Zeoli) M Brindle (Robins) F Fawn (Robins & Zeoli) F Brindle (Zeoli) M Fawn (Smith) M Fawn (Nicodemus) M Red (Clayton & Zeoli) F Fawn (Groff) M Brindle (Hartzell) M Red Fawn (Dunning) Whelped: 2/24/1983 M Red (Trew) M Red Fawn M Fawn (Rawley & Zeoli) Whelped: 2/16/1984 (WF598640) F Brindle (Davis) Whelped: 3/15/1985 M Brindle (Abernathy) M Fawn (Vana) F Fawn (Robins) M Red Fawn (Robins) F Brindle (West) |
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