CH Blklnd's Simba Pride Vonhelken CD
Call Name: Kiera WP887624/03
Female, Fawn 24 inches, 119 pounds
Owner, Charlotte Ramsay - Lion-S Bullmastiffs
co-owned by Vallery Hellmann
bred by Vallery Hellmann & Vicky Topper
Progeny points: 7
Status Copper, inactive, updated 2012
Call Name: Kiera WP887624/03
Female, Fawn 24 inches, 119 pounds
Owner, Charlotte Ramsay - Lion-S Bullmastiffs
co-owned by Vallery Hellmann
bred by Vallery Hellmann & Vicky Topper
Progeny points: 7
Status Copper, inactive, updated 2012
Kiara was my first Bullmastiff and a very good friend. The majority of her points were owner handled. She got the first leg of her CD at the Southwest Specialty in 2002. Kiara was only bred once to A/C Ch Bastion’s Celebration Time. The litter produced six beautiful pups. Four are finished Champi-ons, several have pointed offspring. The temperament of the litter was outstanding. One of the puppies is “working” for an Ohio Fire Department as a therapy dog. Kiara’s litter produced many first for me including my first experiences in the agility ring. At almost 9 years old Kiara is happy being at home playing grandma. She makes sure all puppies and rescues leave with manners and respect for their elders.
Submitted by owner, Charlotte Ramsay - Lion-S Bullmastiffs
Submitted by owner, Charlotte Ramsay - Lion-S Bullmastiffs
Sire: Am/Can CH Bastion’s Celebration Time
CH Lion-S’ Gladiator Vonhelken (03) CH Lion-S’Erinbrockivich’Vonhelken (06) Lion-S-Backdraft-FD-Vonhelken (07) CH Lion-S’ Hope Floats Von Helken (08) CD RN NAP NJP CH Lion-S’AwonderfullLife’Vonhelken (09) Lion-S’ Happygilmore Vonhelken (10) |
Whelped: 6/3/2001 Litter #WR039091
M Fawn (Nemec & Hellmann) OFA # BMF-2955G26M-PI; DNA #V419021 F Fawn (Singleton & Hellmann) OFA # BMF-2957F26F-NOPI F Fawn F Fawn (Ramsay) OFA # BMF-2956G28F-NOPI; BMF-CA204/49F/C-NOPI M Fawn (Irvine) M Fawn |